Friday, April 8, 2011

Molly Thomason, People Lie

Jason Levangie directed this video during our Viewfinders Film Festival Master Class last year. Each year this class teaches and mentors youth to write and create a music video all in one weekend. Molly Thomason is a talented young singer/songwriter from Nova Scotia, her song was picked to create the music video for.

She blew me away. 10 years younger than I am and I wished she was my best friend. She's unbelievably talented and way cooler than I am in so many ways! I am writing a short film right now and hoping Molly will be my lead...ahem, hey Molly...

Check it out!
hair and makeup by me! Wardrobe by Sarah Roy!

Hair Stylist and Makeup Artist
for Film and Photography
Halifax, Nova Scotia

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